
数学, Pedagogy 和 Cognition

This program will be accepting applications for the fall 2024 term. 公告

UNC boasts one of the nation’s largest mathematics education programs, housed in the School of Mathematical Sciences. This program gets our faculty’s full attention 和 resources 和 equips you with a full set of skills. 你会收到 comprehensive training that prepares you to excel as a university mathematics instructor, conduct original research in mathematics education, offer professional development to K-12 mathematics teachers 和 influence public policy related to STEM education. 此外,许多 of our students receive teaching assistantships to help offset the cost of tuition.

我们的 数学教育.D. program takes an innovative approach that integrates mathematics, mathematics education 和认知. Work closely with UNC’s mathematics faculty as well as our mathematics education specialists, developing a wide range of mentoring relationships 和 collaborative 合作伙伴关系. After completing a dissertation based on original research, you’ll enter the job market with in-dem和 expertise 和 excellent prospects for a tenure-track faculty position or employment with government, nonprofit or educational employers.








Ph.D. 数学教育

If you enter the educational mathematics Ph.D. degree program after earning a master’s degree, you’ll take advanced coursework in mathematics, mathematics education, cognition 以及相关科目. The program also provides a strong emphasis on research methods, science writing 和 presentation. UNC’s educational mathematics degree st和s out for its extensive h和s-on teaching component. Gain experience as a teaching assistant, course co-teacher (alongside a Ph.D. faculty member) 和 faculty-of-record for college 数学课程.

迈出下一步! Explore courses, contact information 和 admission requirements.



你的未来 数学教育

数学 education has grown in importance, as U.S. 政策领导人和民选官员 officials recognize the need for mathematical fluency in a number-和-data driven 世界. Dem和 for educational mathematics expertise has increased commensurately. UNC’s educational mathematics Ph.D. graduates have an excellent job placement record, earning tenure-track appointments at universities across the United States.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的博士学位.D. 数学教育 if you (are):

  • Passionate about mathematics
  • 热爱教学
  • Interested in learning theory 和认知
  • Seek to improve tactics 和 strategies related to K-16 mathematics education
  • Passionate about evidence-based teaching practices


  • Techniques for effective college mathematics teaching
  • 研究方法
  • Theories of learning, cognition 和教学
  • 学术写作


  • 实复分析
  • 抽象代数
  • 数论
  • Teaching 和 Learning 数学 at the Post-Secondary Level
  • Quantitative 研究 数学教育
  • Qualitative 研究 数学教育

Where can your degree take you?

  • Tenure-track university faculty
  • Educational policy leadership
  • Government or nonprofit research
  • Textbook publishing 和 evaluation
  • Professional development consulting

目前的研究 数学教育

At UNC, you’ll collaborate with faculty on a wide array of subjects related to advanced mathematical concepts, mathematics pedagogy, 和 learning/cognition. 你会收到 committed support for your own research efforts, with opportunities to publish in leading journals such as the Journal of Mathematical BehaviorJournal of 数学 Teacher Education.

Jodie Novak, Rob Powers, 和 Frieda Parker

These UNC mathematics education researchers received a three-year, $1.1700万赠款 from the National Science Foundation. The award will support research aimed at improving training of secondary mathematics teachers. The researchers will collect data from 24 expert high school teachers related to the planning 和教学 of lessons. 最终, the research may contribute to better means of developing 和 assessing secondary math teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching.

为下一步做好准备? Here's what you need to know.

If there's anything else we can do, be sure to 与我们联系. 我们就在不远处.

仍未完全售出? 我们理解. 这里有更多的信息 成本和资金 和 如何申请.

Klawz signature on paper application


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